Josh Mcarthur

AWS presigned posts

Josh Mcarthur

AWS presigned posts

Josh McArthur August 26, 2018

When designing a JSON API that needs to deal with uploaded files, there’s a few options, but all of them have a degree of compromise. At the end of the day, a file uploaded via HTTP must be provided as…

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Josh Mcarthur

Logging into RefineryCMS with an existing Devise user

Josh Mcarthur

Logging into RefineryCMS with an existing Devise user

Josh McArthur August 26, 2018

For simple content management using Ruby on Rails, RefineryCMS is a great option – it’s an actively-maintained project with support for plugins (via Rails engines which lots of Rabid staff are already familiar with), and a reasonably easy…

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bespoke software design

Former refugee women shine in new interactive documentary

bespoke software design

Former refugee women shine in new interactive documentary

Sandra Clark August 26, 2018

Rabid has been lucky enough to be able to contribute to an innovative project showcasing the stories of former refugee women living in New Zealand. The result of that project, “Together We Make a Nation” is an interactive storytelling experience…

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NZ Civil Defence and the importance of Open Data in emergency alerts

NZ Civil Defence and the importance of Open Data in emergency alerts

Josh Forde August 26, 2018

Immediately after the Kaikoura earthquake, media were reporting a tsunami evacuation alert/order. Many Wellingtonians left for higher ground on foot or by car in the early hours of the morning. But there was confusion about the evacuation zones and the state of the alerts, which became a controversy in itself.

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bespoke software design

Confessions of a Scrum Master

bespoke software design

Confessions of a Scrum Master

Sandra Clark August 26, 2018

Rabid and Story Inc have been working collaboratively on an amazing project called Together We Make a Nation, an interactive documentary about former refugee women living in NZ. Initially developed in my 20% time, it was then kindly…

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bespoke software design

My first Rails Camp

bespoke software design

My first Rails Camp

Vini Natarajan August 26, 2018

2017 Rails Camp NZ was held at Mt.Cheeseman in Christchurch. Rails Camp NZ is full weekend retreat, held annually for people interested in web development to gather and be awesome together. This year’s event ran from Friday 24th…

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bespoke software design

RubyConf AU 2017

bespoke software design

RubyConf AU 2017

Cara Hill August 23, 2018

On 9-10 February, I had the good fortune of attending RubyConf AU 2017 in Melbourne. It was my first RubyConf, my second time in Melbourne, and my first time attending a tech conference outside of New Zealand. I…

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Rabid appointed to All of Government Web Services Panel

Rabid appointed to All of Government Web Services Panel

Josh Forde August 23, 2018

Rabid has been appointed as a supplier on the All of Government Web Services panel! We’re of course delighted. The panel offers a range of services, and we are included in: User Insight Visual Design Front-end Development Back-end…

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bespoke software design

The points don’t matter

bespoke software design

The points don’t matter

James Harton August 23, 2018

The points don’t matter; if it sounds like a line from Whose Line Is It Anyway? that’s because it is. When it comes to our Agile process, there’s one thing that is quite often misunderstood by…

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bespoke software design

Agile Australia ’17

bespoke software design

Agile Australia ’17

Sandra Clark August 23, 2018

Having recently come back from #AgileAus, I have been thinking about what I learnt and what actions I can take. It was a great conference, held in June at the Sydney Hilton with over 1,200 Agilists attending. A nice surprise to see a large presence from some big banks and insurance companies who are newly implementing Agile. It was wonderful to have access to so many international speakers over a pretty intensive two day programme. I’ve been reviewing my notes in preparation for this blog, and there are some clear themes emerging: behaviour change, agile leadership and continuous learning.

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