bespoke software design

The points don’t matter

bespoke software design

The points don’t matter

James Harton August 23, 2018

The points don’t matter; if it sounds like a line from Whose Line Is It Anyway? that’s because it is. When it comes to our Agile process, there’s one thing that is quite often misunderstood by…

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bespoke software design

Agile Australia ’17

bespoke software design

Agile Australia ’17

Sandra Clark August 23, 2018

Having recently come back from #AgileAus, I have been thinking about what I learnt and what actions I can take. It was a great conference, held in June at the Sydney Hilton with over 1,200 Agilists attending. A nice surprise to see a large presence from some big banks and insurance companies who are newly implementing Agile. It was wonderful to have access to so many international speakers over a pretty intensive two day programme. I’ve been reviewing my notes in preparation for this blog, and there are some clear themes emerging: behaviour change, agile leadership and continuous learning.

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bespoke software design

Using AWS Lambda for DevOps and experimenting with ‘serverless’ reporting

bespoke software design

Using AWS Lambda for DevOps and experimenting with ‘serverless’ reporting

Ben Bradshaw August 23, 2018

This post is a bit of a geeky one – I hope it’ll be useful for you, even if you haven’t used AWS yet. This isn’t a technical deep dive post, but I hope I can sell you on the…

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Breccan Mcleod-Lundy

Fintech in Singapore

Breccan Mcleod-Lundy

Fintech in Singapore

Breccan McLeod-Lundy August 23, 2018

Last week I attended the Fintech Festival in Singapore. With over 25,000 attendees, it’s one of the largest financial technology events in the world, bringing together an impressive cross-section of enterprise, startups, and government. With funding from the…

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bespoke software design

Rails upgrades for beginners

bespoke software design

Rails upgrades for beginners

Elspeth Dick August 23, 2018

Keeping your Rails applications up to date with the latest version of Rails and its supporting gems is best done in small increments, and frequently. In the real world, you might be asked to upgrade a Rails app by two…

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bespoke software design

Developer 1.0.1

bespoke software design

Developer 1.0.1

Lou Robinson-Blue August 23, 2018

In March 2018, I joined the team at Rabid Tech and when asked to contribute a blog, I wondered what I could share with readers that might help them better understand life as a junior developer. There is plenty already…

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bespoke software design

Making connections for wāhine in tech

bespoke software design

Making connections for wāhine in tech

Haunani Pao August 23, 2018

I learned, if you make a meetup group, they will sign up and show up…as 28 women came to our first Wāhine in Tech meeting.So how did we start this?

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Kim Partridge

Rabid Technologies expands into Australia

Kim Partridge

Rabid Technologies expands into Australia

Kim Partridge August 23, 2018

Bucking the trend of Australian companies buying into New Zealand, New Zealand web and app company Rabid Technologies has acquired Squareweave, a strategic design and web development agency based in Melbourne. The new trans-Tasman company will have offices…

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bespoke software design

Why the right tag matters

bespoke software design

Why the right tag matters

Daniel Jauch August 23, 2018

<div>s as far as the eye can see...If you’ve ever looked an application’s HTML output, you’re likely quite familiar with this:Endless tags with cryptic attributes. Looking in, how is it possible to make sense of that image without me telling you what application this is? Imagine working in an application that looks like this. Some of you reading this may already be in that exact environment.

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